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TERRIBLE Fast Food’s Effects to Your Health That Will Give You Chills

Let’s discuss fast food’s effects on our health!

Fast food is one of the best meal options you could go for, but it’s not unknown that it is high in calories and very low in nutrients. We know very little about the many fast food’s effects on our bodies. However, as bad as it is for us, it is growing in popularity.

But let’s be clear: no one eats that much fast food because it is bad for our bodies, but it just tests our patience, we have to admit. That’s probably because the fast food industry carefully added every little ingredient known to humankind that tickles our senses and messes up our heads.

When you eat a double cheeseburger, you feel like you’re being cuddled by heaven itself, so it’s understandable. That stuff is good, and you can never get enough of it. And it seems that I can’t stress this enough, but it has been found that between 2013 and 2016, no less than 36.6% of U.S. adults ate fast food every day. The same results showed up for children and adolescents, too, as 36.3% of them ate fast food every day between 2015 and 2018.

We don’t say that the occasional fast food meal will ruin your health, but making a habit out of it might show sooner than you think. Mind-bending Facts wanted to at least present to you some of the fast food effects you might want to know about:

fast food effects
Photo by Kzenon from Shutterstock

Fast food affects your digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Most fast food items, such as drinks and sides, are oftentimes loaded with carbohydrates with no fiber. It’s worth noting that the minute your digestive system breaks down these foods, the carbs are automatically released as glucose (sugar) into your bloodstream.

This way, your blood sugar increases. Your pancreas, in response to the immediate surge in glucose, starts releasing insulin. Then, insulin transports sugar throughout your entire body to the cells that need it the most. The more your body uses that sugar, the faster your blood sugar will return to normal. Your body takes care of the blood sugar process, and as long as you are perfectly healthy, your organs can easily handle these sugar spikes.

However, if you’re frequently eating a lot of carbs, it might provoke repeated spikes in your blood sugar. In time, you might even notice these insulin spikes causing your body’s normal insulin response to lose its strength. This also increases your risk of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and weight gain.

Sugar and fat

Most fast food meals have added sugar, which means extra calories. In the meantime, you’re also losing focus on your nutrition. The American Heart Association discovered that American adults eat a lot of sugar every day.

We are all fully aware of the fact that only the fast food and drinks we consume contain way more sugar than we’re supposed to have on a daily basis. Only a 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola has 9.75 teaspoons of sugar, which means 140 calories, 39 grams of sugar, and zero nutrients.

There’s another fast food ingredient that causes a lot of harm, and that is trans fat, which is basically manufactured fat that comes from food processing. It is generally found in fried pies, pastries, pizza dough, crackers, and cookies.

Whatever way you look at it, eating trans fat will automatically provoke those negative fast food effects in your body: it can increase your LDL levels (bad cholesterol), lower your LDL (good cholesterol), and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

fast food's effects
Photo by Foxys Forest Manufacture from Shutterstock


And since we’re speaking of fast food effects that might harm our bodies, here’s another villain: sodium. The combination of fat, sugar, and sodium is known to make fast food much tastier. However, high-sodium diets could also lead to water retention, which is exactly why you might feel puffy after eating a burger and fries.

But that’s not all: bloating and swollen limbs are also on the menu. Having a diet very high in sodium is not something that you wish for, especially for people with blood pressure conditions. Sodium might elevate blood pressure, which would put a lot of stress on your heart and cardiovascular system.

According to a recent study, 90% of adults underestimated how much sodium was in their meals. The study conducted a survey of 993 adults, proving that most of them had no idea how much sodium their food contained.

It’s also worth mentioning that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises adults to eat a maximum of 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. The highest sodium content we eat comes from processed foods and restaurant meals.

Fast food has effects that harm our respiratory system.

It’s worth mentioning again that excess calories from fast food cause weight gain, which, more often than not, leads to obesity. It’s not a secret that obesity increases the risk of respiratory problems such as asthma and shortness of breath.

The extra pounds might put some pressure on your heart and lungs, and symptoms could rapidly show even with little exertion. You might even notice difficulty breathing when you’re walking, climbing stairs, or even exercising. Restaurants make things even more difficult, especially when it comes to calorie counting. It seems that we know very little about the food we love the most, including how many calories and nutrients it has.

fast food's effects
Photo by Josep Suria from Shutterstock

Fast food has effects that harm our reproductive system.

Believe it or not, all those bad ingredients in our favorite junk food might have a negative impact on our fertility. There are even studies to back this up, as it has been found that processed foods are loaded with phthalates.

Phthalates are chemicals that attack the way hormones act in our bodies. Exposure to high levels of chemicals might lead to reproductive issues, including developmental issues for a fetus.

Fast food effects on our integumentary system (skin, hair, and nails)

Probably the most “visible” impact fast food has on us can be seen on our skin. There’s research that shows how dairy, chocolate, and foods high in fat and with a high glycemic index are oftentimes associated with acne.

Naturally, more studies need to be done, but if you’re looking for any of these foods, you’ll most certainly find them in fast food meals. Alternatively, the same research proved that eating fruits, veggies, and fatty acids helped protect the skin against acne.

Fast food’s effects on the skeletal system

Carbohydrates and sugar in fast food could increase acids in your mouth. Ultimately, the acids can easily break down tooth enamel. As the tooth enamel disappears, bacteria seize control of your mouth, and cavities can soon develop.

Obesity might cause complications with bone density and muscle mass. People who suffer from obesity might have lowered bone quality but also a higher risk of breaking bones. It’s highly important to build muscle, as it might support the bones.

Fast food’s effects on mental health

While it doesn’t seem like it, fast food might have a negative impact on our mental health, not just our physical health. There’s a 2020 study that proves how consuming fast foods and sugary drinks raises the chance of developing mental health issues.

Adopting a Western diet very high in red meat, takeout, and refined foods was linked to a higher body mass index and inflammation in most participants. It was also associated with depressive symptoms and mental health issues.

If you’re eager to read more about unhealthy food, here’s what we recommend: Unhealthy Fruits: 9 Ones Not Even Your Doctor Would Eat

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