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Only People With a High IQ Can Do These Things! Can You?

Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock

4. They always want to know more

People with high IQs aren’t easily satisfied by simple explanations. They enjoy art, reading, and exploring other cultures and languages. They take things apart to see how they work, ask thoughtful questions to understand the core of an issue, and spend hours diving into the mines of the internet to learn more about a new interest.

Curiosity, in all its forms, is closely tied to intelligence. When people with high IQs want answers to their questions, they go looking for them. This way, they continue learning throughout life—maybe even more than they expected.

Instead of feeling satisfied with “That’s how it is” as an answer, they strive to find out why. They are more likely to see the broad picture of a given situation, complete with complex shades of gray, than a boring black-and-white photograph.

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