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9 Top Everyday Things With Mind-blowing Uses

things with mind-blowing uses
Photo by ndanko from Envato Elements

Small buttons on jeans

This is one of the things with mind-blowing uses that everybody asked for. If you wear jeans on a daily basis you already notice those weird and tiny buttons that seem to have no specific purpose except design.

In order to keep the jeans from ripping and wearing out at the seams, these rivet-looking buttons are inserted in key locations on the fabric. These rivets are owned by clothing entrepreneur Levi Strauss, who owns a patent on them.

After miners began to voice concerns about their jeans deteriorating quickly, they were first made available in 1829. Young Mr. Strauss began to ponder as a result, and he created this item. They make jeans nearly indestructible (are they now?). Simply check that these buttons are present on the jeans you buy the next time you go shopping for a new pair.

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2 Responses

  1. “Levi’s” are no longer indestructible. Actually , They are still my preferred style, but the quality has gone so far down the hole, I doubt if they remain in business. WOKE? Don’t know , but QUALITY was left on someone else’s door step. Sad.

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