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9 Top Everyday Things With Mind-blowing Uses

things with mind-blowing uses
Photo by Ljupco Smokovski from Shutterstock

Loops on every shopping cart

Have you ever wondered why shopping carts are designed that way? If you didn’t, no worries, because you’re not the only one. But we’re here to give you a proper explanation of this matter and tell you why we put it on the list of things with mind-blowing uses.

All the shopping carts have metal loops that extend and protect our groceries. You can also hang plastic bags with breakable products like eggs and delicate foods like bread, for example, if you don’t want heavier objects to be crushed by the loops.

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2 Responses

  1. “Levi’s” are no longer indestructible. Actually , They are still my preferred style, but the quality has gone so far down the hole, I doubt if they remain in business. WOKE? Don’t know , but QUALITY was left on someone else’s door step. Sad.

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