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9 Top Everyday Things With Mind-blowing Uses

things with mind-blowing uses
Photo by Ivanko80 from Shutterstock

Extra holes in sport’s shoes

Why are they there? Have you ever wondered? If someone develops foot blisters and has to move their feet around the interior of their shoe, the additional holes are there to accommodate that. In the other direction, they may thread their shoelaces through the additional holes.

You may then cross your laces within each loop that is made as a result of creating a loop on either side. Following that, before tying your laces normally, pull down on the laces to make a much tighter lock.

This technique, often known as the “lace lock” or “heel lock,” ensures that your shoes stay tightly on your feet and you won’t be able to lose them while walking.

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2 Responses

  1. “Levi’s” are no longer indestructible. Actually , They are still my preferred style, but the quality has gone so far down the hole, I doubt if they remain in business. WOKE? Don’t know , but QUALITY was left on someone else’s door step. Sad.

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