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6 Organs You Can Live Without

organs you can live without
Photo by Peakstock from Shutterstock

3. The kidneys

We have two kidneys, and both of them are organs you can live without. Sure, it is always better to have your kidneys, but in case you no longer have one of them, you need to know that you can still survive. Unfortunately, if you lose both of them, your chances of survival are pretty slim.

These bean-shaped organs play an extremely important role in our bodies. They are responsible for filtering our blood from toxins, and they also produce hormones that regulate our blood pressure.

As we said, since you can live without a kidney, this makes it possible to donate one of them. The National Kidney Foundation states that the only problem with having one kidney is the concern that something might go wrong with it later in life. In this scenario, having a single kidney means that you have zero backup. Still, they are one of the few organs you can live without.

Now, if it ever happens to remain with no kidneys at all, you can still live, but it will be extremely challenging. You will need to go through dialysis. This is a treatment that basically substitutes for the job of the kidneys. It filters the toxins and removes the excess water from your bloodstream. If a person begins this process, they will need to undergo it indefinitely until they get a kidney transplant.

5 Responses

  1. I have Graves’ disease and I take Levothyroxine daily for hypothyroidism. My left eye protrudes, but my right eye does not. I was treated with iodine for hyperthyroidism and was overdosed that killed my thyroid, as it was explained to me over 30 years ago. I’m recently learning about TED, as seen on TV and reading about it here and watching the video. I have not spoken with my Ophthalmologists about it. My annual eye appointment is scheduled in another five months. I would like to begin taking the drug but, I’m unclear how it would affect my right eye since it does not protrude. I really appreciate the information you have shared and, I thank you very much.

  2. This was a very interesting article. You named only 6 organs that humans can live without, I thought of an additional 6! Here is my list….. Tonsils, adenoids, prostate, uterus, ovaries, appendix.

  3. I don’t recall seeing the appendix being mentioned. The latter is also something we could live without. And even though females require their reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes) to make babies, they can still live without having them. Also, we could live without part of our liver, as our livers regenerate.

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