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6 Organs You Can Live Without

organs you can live without
Photo by Tattoboo from Shutterstock

2. The thyroid

At some point, there were a lot of discussions and myths about the thyroid. Some said that if you have problems with the thyroid, you can’t lose weight; others said that if you eat cauliflower or cabbage, you develop hypothyroidism.

We are here to tell you that the thyroid is one of the organs you can live without. Yes, we can all live without this butterfly-shaped neck gland that regulates almost all the other organs that we have. The thyroid produces various hormones that regulate the metabolism of the body. That means this gland is specifically designed to tell the cells how to use the energy.

Now, if you are wondering how such an important organ can be on the list of organs you can live without, here is the answer: Again, thanks to modern medicine, you can now take synthetic hormones. These hormones can perfectly replicate the ones that are produced by the thyroid, and in this way, anyone who takes this medication can live well with this gland.

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5 Responses

  1. I have Graves’ disease and I take Levothyroxine daily for hypothyroidism. My left eye protrudes, but my right eye does not. I was treated with iodine for hyperthyroidism and was overdosed that killed my thyroid, as it was explained to me over 30 years ago. I’m recently learning about TED, as seen on TV and reading about it here and watching the video. I have not spoken with my Ophthalmologists about it. My annual eye appointment is scheduled in another five months. I would like to begin taking the drug but, I’m unclear how it would affect my right eye since it does not protrude. I really appreciate the information you have shared and, I thank you very much.

  2. This was a very interesting article. You named only 6 organs that humans can live without, I thought of an additional 6! Here is my list….. Tonsils, adenoids, prostate, uterus, ovaries, appendix.

  3. I don’t recall seeing the appendix being mentioned. The latter is also something we could live without. And even though females require their reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes) to make babies, they can still live without having them. Also, we could live without part of our liver, as our livers regenerate.

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