10 Unbelievable Things People Used to Do 100 Years Ago

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Women stopped wearing corsets and replaced them with girdles

Today’s women might not have a clue about what a girdle is but back in the 1900s, this item quickly became one of the most worn undergarments in America. Women bid their farewells to the restraining corsets only to trade them for the girdles marketed for ‘Misses and Small Women.'”, as told by Fashion History.

What exactly is a girdle? The official Wikipedia definition would be “a form-fitting foundation garment that encircles the lower torso, extending below the hips, and worn often to shape or for support”. In other words, it was used to shape the body and make it smaller.

Nowadays, girdles have long been forgotten and traded for the famous Spanx.

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Parents facilitated marriage unions

In the world of dating apps and matrimonial sites, it’s strange to think that there was once a time when parents did all the matchmaking and marriage arrangements. Yes, parents today might want to interfere in one’s love life too, but, in many cases, technology stands in their way.

One hundred years ago, it was parents who decided who their son or daughter (in most cases) will marry and made every effort to facilitate such a union. In the case of women, male suitors were invited to a visit, under strict supervision of course, to see if there was any compatibility between the possible (future) partners.  In many cases, however, it was not compatibility that decided the marriage, but practical or financial aspects.

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