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You Won’t Sleep Tonight After Reading These 10 Titanic Facts

Titanic Facts
Photo by Eleni Mac Synodinos at Shutterstock

9. A Frozen Pocket Watch

We have two more Titanic facts, and both of them are pretty mind-bending. One of the 13 couples that had decided to spend their honeymoon on the Titanic consisted of 29-year-old Lizzie Chapman and 37-year-old John, who were on their way to start a new life in the United States just after getting married.

When passengers were being rushed into the lifeboats, Lizzie was placed in Lifeboat No. 4, but she then heard that her new groom wasn’t allowed in the boat with her. She said, “I won’t go either,” and decided to exit the lifeboat to be with her husband. Both of them eventually drowned after they were plunged into the sea, along with those who never got into a lifeboat.

And here comes one of the most shattering Titanic facts: John’s pocket watch stopped ticking right when the couple fell into the cold water at 1:45 a.m. on April 15, 1912.

The object was recovered along with its owner’s body, but sadly, Lizzie’s body was never found.

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10 Responses

  1. This was very interesting but the fact about the photograph was the only one I’d never heard before.

  2. This Titanic story gave me goosebumps and just blew my mind. Such a sad and tragic story. That little small word “IF” I had only done this or “IF” I had only done that. So sad…

  3. Excellent with little known facts. Have always been fascinated by the history of the Titanic!! Curious as to how many pets survived the sinking.

  4. It is impossible for his violin to be returned to his fiance who would have been probably over 120 in 2013.

  5. Very interesting . The story of the sinking of the Titanic is very sad and tragic story but yet I love to read it.

  6. Excellent work, the fact about the key is the one that really got to me, something so simple but so much more important.

  7. God proved to man he is not perfect ….so admit your mistakes and move learn and improve.We are at fault when we ignore all the signs or warnings that ‘s right in front of us.The artical was good.My favorite part was about the iceberg with a streak of paint on the side.Yes it was so tragic and could have been prevented.

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