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Only People With a High IQ Can Do These Things! Can You?

positive thinking
Photo by tomertu from Shutterstock

7. They can handle the challenges life throws at them

Life isn’t always simple, and some people are better at handling complex twists and turns than others. Adaptability is a key element of intelligence. It describes the ability to adjust to changing events and new situations. This trait can also relate to resilience, which is the ability to recover from adversity.

Perhaps you stand up to uncertainty, ready to face whatever comes your way head-on. No matter if things don’t go how you hoped, you manage to bounce back quickly, willing to keep trying.

These characteristics can boost your IQ, especially when you face adversity with a sense of humor. According to a 2017 study, appreciation of dark humor is associated with higher intelligence; another 2011 study also showed that there’s a strong connection between humor and intelligence and creativity.

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