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11 Interesting Facts About Science That Will Creep You Out!

Get ready for an amazing science lesson! 

Whenever something was broadcast about science or outer space, I had my eyes glued to the TV. I can’t put my feelings into words because I was so excited but also curious to find facts about our universe since I was a child!

This article will present some mind-blowing facts about science that might change your perspective on reality. And by the end of it, we expect to see a lot of readers in the comments section writing and voting on the creepiest fact from the list. Keep reading if you enjoy being curious; you’re about to learn some amazing things! Let’s begin.

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Photo by Vadim Sadovski from Shutterstock

1. Astronauts might have DNA changes if they stay too long in space

Did you know that after spending a full year at the International Space Station, the well-known astronaut Scott Kelly got back taller than he was in 2015? Wow! This is a really interesting fact or the “dream” of a lot of short people. Jokes aside, after various studies on this aspect, scientists found out that an expedition in space can alter your DNA pretty hard.

But there remains the question: how is this even possible? Well, scientists have stated that the stress of space travel can change a cell’s biological patterns. Furthermore, another interesting fact about the astronaut is that he is no longer similar to his twin brother. After a few months after his return, he eventually regained his previous height.

2. Nuclear reactors existed on Earth long before human beings

According to various scientific studies, two billion years ago, long before our ancestors were born, there were around 17 natural nuclear reactors on Earth. And all of them were located in Africa. It’s interesting to note that 100 kilowatts, or about 1,000 lightbulbs, would have been able to be activated by these reactors. On the other hand, human-made nuclear power reactors generate around 1,000 megawatts, or enough electricity to light 10 million bulbs.

3. One day in the future the night sky will be pitch black

Can you imagine a bland and black sky during the most peaceful time of the day? Well, science warns us that in a couple of years (we don’t know exactly when), because the Milky Way Galaxy continues to join other close-by neighbor galaxies, the night sky won’t be as fascinating as it is now. In other words, we won’t have a sky full of stars on clear nights.

So, I guess it might be time to appreciate it while we still have it, right?

4. Without a spacesuit, you could survive in space

…but most probably you will pass out in less than 15 seconds. But why is this happening? Well, for starters, a professional spacesuit must protect you from extreme temperatures and ultraviolet rays. And at the same time, it should also allow you to breathe properly.

However, even if it sounds insane, there was a NASA astronaut named Jim LeBlanc who was able to survive after being exposed to no oxygen for a while simply because a training exercise went wrong. In a public interview after this awful experience, he told the press that for a couple of seconds, he felt like the saliva in his mouth began to bubble. These horrible moments happened right before he passed out, and it was the last thing he remembered.

5. Sharks can live in volcanos

Isn’t science amazing? Sometimes I even wonder how we would be able to survive without science on this Earth. This issue of our article is by far our favorite. Why? Keep reading and you will find it for yourself.

In the Solomon Islands, there is an active volcano called “Kavachi.” Because scientists wanted to find out more about it, they placed cameras around it and also into one of its main craters. The footage extends for an hour straight, during which they are amazed to see that a lot of sea creatures live there.

However, the most popular animal seen on camera was a shark. Weirdly enough, they seem to live here, but we’re not quite sure where they hide when the volcano is erupting.

6. 232 million years ago rain fell on Earth for 2 million years daily

Now, this is one interesting fact about our world! Can you believe this happened a million years ago? If rainy days seem interminable in some places imagine if it rained every day for the rest of your existence. This period is widely known as the Carnian Age. Although it sounds awful, this “episode” of Earth’s evolution had a huge impact on the evolution of dinosaurs and other ancient animals.

7. The space can “make” sounds

After we’ve seen (and mostly heard) so many videos with black hole sound, we can easily imagine that outer space is a big vacuum that keeps running and running. Well, in reality, the sound isn’t similar to an active vacuum. There is a sound that the human ear can’t properly intercept. I wish we were so lucky! Can you imagine hearing the groans of the earth? Or the sound of the universe slowly expanding?

Creepy, or not? Tell us in the comments section below.

8. …but it can also carry a funny smell

You might be tempted to ask, “How is this even possible?”Well, after their return from outer space, various astronauts declared that, besides sounds, it also has a distinctive smell. And what they said wasn’t shocking or unusual because the scent described by them was similar to sulfur, hot metal, or even burnt steak.

9. Planet Mercury can be very cold even if it’s so close to the Sun

Even though Mercury is the little planet in our nearby planet group and is nearest to the Sun, its surface temperatures can turn out to be very cold. Since the planet doesn’t have air to hold heat temperatures can decrease below -290 Fahrenheit.

However, if most of the time the planet is unimaginably cold, there are periods when the normal temperature can reach up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit.

10. Your tears will never fall in space

That means if you travel in outer space, you will always be happy. That’s just wishful thinking! Jokes aside, while you’ll be perfectly able to physically cry in space, even if you were a suit, your tears will never fall from your eyes. Instead of tears, you will have small “balls” around the eyeball. This happens because of the non-existent gravity that prevents any liquid from leaking. Interesting, right?

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Photo by Jurik Peter from Shutterstock

11. If the Sun turns into a black hole…

…everybody will die from hypothermia. After years of study, NASA defined a “black hole” as a location in space where gravity is so strong that light cannot escape. Gravity is one of the most powerful forces because so much matter is packed into such a small space. We would all freeze to death rather than fall into it, in case the Sun turns into one! Terrifying, right?

We would live in a pitch-black world with unbelievably freezing temperatures because the sun’s black hole would not produce any heat or light.

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