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9 Surprising Facts About Cholesterol Doctors Don’t Tell You

These shocking facts about cholesterol will send shivers down your spine! 

It’s crucial to admit that in today’s world, almost every product that’s been sold in stores has various chemicals or too much-added sugar that can easily harm our bodies. Would you be surprised to know that cholesterol, for example, can be found in baby formula?

But what exactly is cholesterol? A waxy, fat-like material that is produced in the liver and is present in all of the body’s cells, including the blood. In addition to being necessary for the formation of hormones, cell walls, tissues, bile acid, and vitamin D. Furthermore, cholesterol is crucial for optimum health.

However, if your cholesterol levels are very high, it’s most likely that you’ll develop heart disease. That’s why it’s very important to take regular blood tests (once or twice a year) and maintain a healthy diet throughout your entire life. Now let’s start with some of the most important facts about cholesterol.

facts about cholesterol
Photo by NPW-STUDIO from Shutterstock

1. High cholesterol levels might have a genetic cause

A lot of people believe that high cholesterol levels are spiked by a bad diet full of fat and sugar. However, the reality might be a bit different. That’s why this is one of the facts about cholesterol that might be shocking to some of you. For a lot of individuals, high cholesterol levels are genetic.

It is interesting to note that only 25% of the entire population has cholesterol issues because of a bad diet! When you consume foods high in cholesterol, such as fish, meat, and dairy products, your body should be able to eliminate any excess. However, your genetic makeup determines how much cholesterol you lose.

For example, if you inherit a condition called familial hypercholesterolemia, which affects around 34 million people worldwide, you won’t be able to lose the excess cholesterol. That’s why it’s very important to pay regular visits to your doctor and get regular blood tests to keep everything under control!

2. Hereditary hypercholesterolemia is a treatable disease

This type of disease has a sophisticated name that can easily scare us. But fret not, because according to doctors, this is a treatable condition. Familial hypercholesterolemia can be treated with a variety of drugs, including statins and other lipid-lowering treatments. Numerous treatments are already licensed for the condition, and others are presently undergoing clinical studies to treat it.

The risk of early cardiac disease linked with hereditary hypercholesterolemia can be decreased with early detection and effective therapy. We can’t possibly stress enough that to be informed about your health, it’s mandatory to consult a doctor at least twice a year, a doctor who is going to recommend tests based on your particular condition.

3. The human body can’t function without cholesterol

We mentioned at the beginning of the article that cholesterol is an important thing in our bodies; therefore, we can’t survive without it. It is crucial to help regulate hormones and blood cells to function at normal standards.

Additionally, cholesterol aids in the production of the acids needed by the liver to digest the body’s extra fat.

4. One of the most surprising facts about cholesterol: you can see it with the naked eye!

In most cases (if it’s not that bad), you are not able to tell if you have cholesterol issues by simply looking in the mirror. However, high cholesterol can manifest as reddish-yellow pimples on the skin, also known as xanthomas, which can be pretty obvious.

These red pimples can be found mostly on the eyelids, hands, and joints. Xanthomas are frequently seen in elders or people who suffer from hypercholesterolemia.

Interested in other facts about cholesterol? Keep scrolling because the article isn’t over yet! 

5. 32 % of U.S. adults have high cholesterol

Among all these facts about cholesterol, it’s also important to mention that one in three adults has high cholesterol levels. After the age of 20, doctors recommend checking our cholesterol levels every five years. The main reason for this is that cholesterol may rise as a result of stress, a poor diet, or, as we previously discussed, because it may also be inherited.

However, according to statistics, only 75% of people make regular blood tests. This is scary, mostly because we tend to neglect our health until it’s too late or we develop a serious disease. And for the results to be accurate, it’s recommended to take the test two times, two weeks apart.

Are you worried about your eating habits, or do you simply want to pursue a healthier diet? We’ve got you! No matter if you’re having issues with cholesterol levels or not, this awesome recipe book may help you cook and meal prep various dishes that are both simple and healthy! Check it out on Amazon for an amazing price, available both in paperback and Kindle.

6. Women’s cholesterol levels fluctuate

Women often have lower cholesterol levels than men do. However, physicians point out that some conditions, such as pregnancy, can cause a woman’s cholesterol levels to spike rapidly, aiding in the baby’s brain development.

Additionally, cholesterol-rich nursing milk is considered to protect newborns’ hearts as they get older. After the pregnancy, if the woman doesn’t have any other health issues, cholesterol levels must return to normal. And after menopause, they might rise a bit again until they are 75 years old, when, in some cases, they can even get higher than a man’s.

facts about cholesterol
Photo by AstroStar from Shutterstock

7. Regular exercise boosts good cholesterol

There is nothing more beneficial than a good and healthy diet and regular exercise to help us maintain good shape. That’s why doctors recommend daily (or as many times as possible) exercise as a lifestyle.

A lot of us may indeed be busy people, and after a long day at work, it might be a bit hard to do a 30-minute exercise program. But this is another way to keep our cholesterol levels at normal levels. Furthermore, it was proven in various test subjects that regular exercise can boost good cholesterol and help us burn fat much easier. Awesome, right?

8. Cholesterol doesn’t “come” into our bodies through our daily diet

One of the weirdest (but true) facts about cholesterol is that it doesn’t come entirely from our diets. As we previously mentioned, we are born with cholesterol in our bodies. Therefore, you can eat a dish that contains zero cholesterol because your body is still able to make the levels it needs for proper digestion.

On the other hand, you must remember that if you don’t have a good and balanced diet and you eat too many foods high in saturated fats, you might be prone to developing hypercholesterolemia.

9. Cholesterol can be too low

When you say “facts about cholesterol,” you may not think that, in any case, cholesterol can be too low. Well, believe it or not, this can be possible!

Low cholesterol levels are as unhealthy as high ones. Your total cholesterol should be kept around 200 mg/dL, which is generally normal for people, according to experts. Low cholesterol is linked to health concerns, including cancer, below a particular threshold, often 160 mg/dL.

When was the last time you checked your cholesterol levels via blood tests?

If reading these lines regarding facts about cholesterol worries you, you may also be interested in discovering how fast food may impact our health! 

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