What Happens to Your Body After 60? (9 Interesting Facts)

Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been.” – Jimmy Buffet

Aging doesn’t mean something bad, it simply means something different. A long life is a blessing that many don’t have the chance to experience. Living and cherishing moments with family and friends is a wonderful thing.

Yes, a person’s body after the age of 60 is not the same as someone in their 30s, but there are many positive aspects to this. The best approach is to expect these changes and embrace them.

Changes occur gradually and subtly, but there are also some that can occur suddenly. It doesn’t matter how they happen, what’s important is that they are normal experiences that we all go through, and we should find joy in them.

In this article, I will present to you 9 things that change in a person’s body after the age of 60. Keep reading to find out! And don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments section! Let’s begin!

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1. Your lungs

Both the muscles around the rib cage and the diaphragm weaken in a person over the age of 60. Consequently, the lungs also become less elastic. They will be able to take in a smaller amount of oxygen during breathing.

Specialists recommend that we stay active regardless of age. Even if we can’t do as much, we should still walk or occasionally lift small weights.

Furthermore, as the lungs weaken, they will no longer be able to fight diseases as effectively as before. We will cough more frequently because they (the lungs) cannot expel microorganisms without a strong cough.

If you are a smoker, both we and the doctors advise you to quit now. Nothing is worse than the smoke that enters our lungs. Try to live a healthier lifestyle!

2. Your cardiovascular system

As you age, blood vessels become stiffer, and the heart fills up more slowly than in a younger person. This is why individuals over the age of 60 tend to develop high blood pressure.

The explanation is that the more rigid the arteries become, the less they are able to dilate adequately when blood is pumped through them.

No, this doesn’t mean you are an unhealthy person; it’s just a normal change in your body. This is one of the reasons why older athletes retire or are unable to perform at the same level as younger ones.

The good news from the field of medicine tells us that the death rate caused by cardiac conditions has decreased significantly over the years. Researchers and specialists recommend that we engage in regular aerobic physical activities and maintain a healthy diet. Mens sana in corpore sano!

3. Your immune system

The immune system is one of the most important aspects when it comes to health. Unfortunately, as we age, the immune system can gradually decline.

The risk of illness increases, vaccines don’t work as efficiently, and recovery takes longer for individuals over 60 years old. Additionally, there is a higher probability of developing autoimmune diseases.

Don’t get discouraged, though. This is not set in stone and doesn’t apply to everyone. I know seniors who are healthier than younger people, but the secret is to live a healthy life and love more!

4. Your bones and joints

After the age of 60, it’s time for weakened bones and joints. Their health depends on the level of calcium, and seniors have a harder time absorbing calcium from food.

To keep bones strong, a high level of calcium and vitamin D is needed. These two substances decrease with age and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

The best thing you can do is maintain normal body weight to make it easier for your bones to support it. This not only prevents the risk of osteoporosis but also reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, or strokes.

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5. Your urinary tract

Although it will function normally for a long time after reaching the age of 60, one thing that will be different is that you will need to go to the bathroom at least once during the night. This is perfectly normal because the bladder shrinks with age, so don’t panic!

Additionally, the muscles of the urinary tract can weaken, causing you to urinate more frequently and with difficulty. In some cases, there may also be leakages, but it’s okay. Blame it on the weak bladder!

Some medications can help if you need treatment, but there are also physical exercises such as bladder training and Kegel exercises.

6. Your body fat and muscle tone

Muscle tone is lost both due to lack of exercise and aging. And when it comes to fat accumulation, this usually occurs around the age of 30.

The loss of muscle mass due to aging accounts for about 12-15%. The remaining loss is due to a lack of physical activity and is exacerbated by an unhealthy diet. This combination only harms the body after the age of 60.

It is important to exercise daily and incorporate healthy foods into every meal to keep ourselves fresh for as long as possible. A sedentary lifestyle can easily become a habit in this stage of life. I understand that we tire more quickly, but with regular physical activity, you will see improvements.

7. Your hearing

Over time, certain things begin to lose their performance. The same applies to hearing. Some people experience it prematurely due to exposure to a relevant environment.

If you haven’t been exposed to loud sounds throughout your life, then your hearing should deteriorate quite late but don’t worry it’s normal. Very sharp sounds with high frequencies are the ones you will have difficulty hearing, which is perfectly normal.

The real problem arises when you can’t hear what a person is saying. Because women and children have higher-pitched voices, you may not be able to hear all the words they say.

8. Your eyesight

Some of us are indeed born with perfect vision, while others are not. Vision can gradually deteriorate too. Around the age of 60, you should start noticing changes in how you see things.

If you begin to have difficulty seeing things up close or find yourself holding a book farther away because it appears blurry or you have trouble distinguishing colors, then yes, your vision has deteriorated.

There are also a few physical signs that can indicate this. The whites of your eyes may become yellowish, spots may appear on your eyes, and the lower eyelid may sag due to muscle deterioration.

Additionally, you may sometimes experience a sensation of dry eyes when reading, using your phone, or watching television. If you encounter this issue, there are many solutions that help lubricate the eyes.

These vision changes are normal, but if you experience pain or unusual sensations, it is best to contact your doctor as soon as possible.

9. Your skin

A person’s skin over the age of 60 loses elasticity, becomes drier, and develops wrinkles. This is normal for everyone at this age.

The things that the skin loses or deteriorates are collagen, elasticity, good fats, sweat glands, and even pigmentation. These often cause the pigmentation spots that we all complain about.

Remember, it is never too late to take care of your skin. Although this process should ideally be started as early as possible, it is never too late. After the age of 60, the skin loses some vitamin D, so you can consider taking supplements to address this issue, but always follow your doctor’s advice.

Old age is not something to be afraid of; there are many good things about being a senior. Your children are grown, many of us have grandchildren to enjoy, and our free time is often filled with our passions.

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2 Responses

  1. Good information for all young and old. I have experienced all these changes and as I age it gets tougher to manage. I still try to do what I can manage .

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