Fact or Fiction? 10 Women’s Health Myths You Should Stop Believing

These women’s health myths are so weird and cringeworthy, yet a lot of people tend to believe them! 

Along the way, everything changed especially the medicine. It has evolved so much that we are beyond grateful for what we have in the present. Doctors are more open-minded, and they don’t jump to conclusions like they used to in the past. Medical instruments are way more advanced, and chainsaws are no longer used to help women give birth. Sheesh, what a time to be alive!

Nevertheless, despite all of these positive developments and the progress of medicine, some misconceptions continue to spread. That’s why in this article we will take a closer look at some of the most common women’s health myths and the truth behind them. Let’s start with no. 10!

women's health myths
Photo by Nelzajamal from Shutterstock

10. Only if you’re 50 you’ll experience the menopause

One of the first women’s health myths is about menopause and the “ideal” age at which women reach it. While a lot of women experience it after 50, there are a lot of exceptions. For example, 1 in 100 women will have premature menopause long before age 45. If, for example, you experience irregular menstruation, mood swings, or sleep issues, don’t ignore them. It’s better to address them sooner than later!

9. Cranberry juice cures UTIs

Wow, this one is pretty unusual, so while you read it, you better sit down because everything you believe you know about UTIs is false. Since this is one of the oldest women’s health myths, you’ve probably heard it so many times from various women, even your grandmother. But no matter how sweet and tasty the juice is, it won’t do any good (or bad) for UTIs. And if you experience frequent burning urination and back pain, consider making an appointment with your doctor, who can give you proper medication for the infection.

8. If you wear bras every day, you can get breast cancer

Have you ever heard this myth about bras? Well, that is totally false! We have good news for you: Wearing a bra won’t affect your breasts or cause cancer. But there is absolutely no evidence to support that; it is simply an old myth. All you can do is keep up with your routine gynecologist visits, mammograms, and self-breast checks if you’re worried about breast cancer to remain on top of prevention.

And of course, before buying a bra, make sure you have the exact measurements and avoid purchasing ones that are too tight!

7. Only men get kidney stones

One of the worst women’s health myths that’s been circulating is that only men get kidney stones. And you won’t believe how many women consider this statement truthful! But unfortunately, women can get kidney stones too, and according to studies, one in 10 women suffers from them.

What actions can you take to avoid kidney stones? To begin with, keep away from salty foods, consume lots of water, and maintain a healthy weight.

6. You can’t get pregnant while on your period

“If you have your period, you can safely have intimate intercourse because the chances of getting pregnant are absolutely zero.” We bet that a lot of you have heard this myth before and also believe it. And while the likelihood of getting pregnant while you are on your period is very low, there is still a minimum chance of conceiving during it.

According to doctors, sperm lives up to five days inside the body, so it might also remain active as you enter your period. So, if you want to be safe, try to use protection on both sides accordingly!

5. Foods like yams help you get pregnant faster

One of the most unusual women’s health myths is about pregnancy. We all know how painful it can be to actively try to have a baby, but your body just doesn’t cooperate with you. Therefore, a lot of women rely on various treatments that help them get pregnant.

While a gynecologist’s recommended medication can genuinely assist you in becoming pregnant, certain urban legends claim eating soy, chocolate, or yams is even more effective than any type of pill. This claim is wholly untrue!  Visit a doctor before attempting anything on your own so they can run some tests and assess whether there is an issue or not.

4. Bacterial Vaginosis only affects women who are constantly engaging in intimate intercourse

Another myth that’s not true! Bacterial vaginosis is an infection that anyone can get, and it’s not because of intimacy; it can also be caused by perfumed soaps, regular bubble baths, or using vaginal deodorant with alcohol and perfume.

While it’s very important to take care of your intimate parts, you must also know that the vagina, for example, is a self-cleaning part of the body, and contrary to what many people say, it’s not dirty. Of course, you must take daily showers, but stay away from products that contain perfume or alcohol. If you’re not sure what suits you best, ask your gynecologist.

It’s common for everyone to be interested in their own bodies. particularly for women. Due to this, you shouldn’t be embarrassed to ask questions anytime you’re uncertain or feel like anything is wrong with you. This fantastic book by Samantha Cattach called How to Protect And Restore Your Pelvic Floor: 5 Simple Tips for Life, Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond would be a wonderful place to start reading about women’s health and gaining a better understanding of the subject. Additionally, a Kindle edition is available, making it easier to read on the go!

3. If you’re lucky and gifted with bigger breasts, you are highly exposed to breast cancer

When we say “women’s health myths,” we’re certain that the list might not end very soon. And honestly, we don’t know how to feel about this. However, this one is so obnoxious and weird that many women still believe it. It is unrelated to breast size. Breast cancer risk factors include having a family history of the disease, heavy alcohol use, and simply being overweight. And even after much study on the matter, women continue to hold this big illusion.

women's health myths
Photo by mi_viri from Shutterstock

2. If you have an STI, it’s mandatory to have symptoms

Do you know that many people have certain diseases but are unaware of them since there are no symptoms? There are various STIs, including HPV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia, that frequently cause no symptoms in females. This is why it’s so important to contact your doctor frequently and undergo STI testing if you engage in intimacy with many partners at least once a year.

1. If your period came late, it means you’re pregnant

One of the most common women’s health myths is about periods and pregnancy. There could be so many reasons, besides pregnancy, why your period is missing or is late. For example, if a significant change in weight or the intensity of your workouts are two major factors, your period might be a tad late or missing completely in that month. On the other hand, stress is also a huge factor in delaying! However, if none of these reasons apply to you, then it must be a medical condition like polycystic ovary syndrome, which a lot of women suffer from but don’t know about.

It’s crucial to seek medical help if you have any persistent issues and to nevertheless take a pregnancy test if you don’t use any contraceptive methods.

Did you enjoy reading this article about women’s health myths? Check out another one from this health section: Take a Sip and Enjoy These 8 Mindbending Facts About Alcohol!

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