These 10 Dementia Facts Will Shock Your Brain

As the World Health Organization states, there are 10 million brand-new cases of dementia yearly. Talk about rough dementia facts, right? Just to give you a good understanding of the matter, that’s exactly half the Florida population.

As so many people get diagnosed with dementia on a yearly basis, you are probably wondering what’s the deal with this degenerative disease. Given the statistics, we might know at least one person affected by dementia and not even be aware of it. If you’re eager to know more dementia facts and why it is plaguing millions of people, you can check out these little-known facts:

dementia facts
Photo by LightField Studios from Shutterstock

Dementia could easily affect anybody

Dementia usually affects the elderly way more than any other demographic. However, this doesn’t mean that other age groups cannot suffer from it. As a matter of fact, dementia can easily affect anyone. One of the reasons for that is that dementia is a bigger umbrella for many other diseases, not just one.

For instance, if a younger person suffers from various diseases that cause dementia, like diabetes, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis, they have a higher risk of suffering from it.

Dementia affects women and those who are less wealthy more often

It’s also true that dementia doesn’t discriminate against anyone, but it might affect some demographics more than others. For instance, women are oftentimes diagnosed with dementia, way more than men. Are you curious to know why? Because they tend to have longer lifespans.

Also, another uncomfortable and unfair truth is that those living in lower-income areas are way more likely to suffer from dementia. In fact, the rate of dementia diagnosis in these areas is about to increase dramatically in the next 30 years.

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the biggest symptoms

Lots of people believe that dementia and Alzheimer’s are two separate things, but in reality, they are not. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the biggest symptoms of dementia. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the most common forms of dementia.

So in case you or someone in your family exhibits symptoms of Alzheimer’s, like depression, disorientation, or even impaired communication, you might have to contact your doctor and ask him or her about a possible diagnosis of dementia. Of course, there are many other symptoms besides Alzheimer’s, but oftentimes, this one is the biggest.

There’s a whole range of symptoms you need to know of

It’s truly amazing how Alzheimer’s and dementia are oftentimes related, but as we mentioned something about Alzheimer’s, we have to mention a little bit of the other symptoms, too. Behavioral changes, strange food cravings, but also impaired judgment of distance and speed are truly relevant symptoms that might indicate dementia besides the usual Alzheimer’s symptoms.

Also, bear in mind that dementia is technically not a disease but a culmination of various diseases. The best thing you can do is check with your doctor to see if you’re prone to any of the diseases that ultimately lead to dementia.

dementia facts
Photo by LightField Studios from Shutterstock

Dementia is not inherent to the aging process

With increasingly more diagnoses of dementia every single year, we might be tempted to think that dementia is nothing but a part of the natural aging process. Well, we get why: you barely hear of someone who suffers from dementia and isn’t retired or a senior. However, dementia has very little to do with aging, and it is, in fact, caused by other diseases that directly affect the brain.

Dementia doesn’t have a cure

Right before dementia takes full control over the brain, there are many stages it goes through. Each and every stage has its own effects on the brain, but one thing is certain: for the moment, there is no cure for dementia, no matter the stage.

However, if you or a loved one suffers from dementia, you shouldn’t lose hope. Catching dementia in its earliest stages will make it much easier to prolong the progression of this disease. Also, early diagnosis might help make this disease much more manageable in time.

There are many causes related to dementia that are treatable

Degenerative brain diseases appear as a result of various causes. If you are worried and your biggest priority is to prevent dementia, then you are fortunate, as most causes of dementia can be treated. Here are some of the most important treatable causes of dementia:

  • diabetes;
  • medications;
  • brain injury;
  • hearing loss;
  • dr*g and alcohol abuse;
  • a poor diet.

Probably one of the most important dementia facts is that you can avoid it. Also, by placing a much heavier emphasis on health with the right diet, exercise, and taking the needed nutritional supplements, you and your family are on the right track to preventing the disease.

dementia facts
Photo by LightField Studios from Shutterstock

You can easily lead an active lifestyle with dementia

It’s true that getting diagnosed with dementia could be life-altering, but it still doesn’t mean that life has to stop altogether. As a matter of fact, it is still highly possible to lead a very fulfilling and active lifestyle, even if you’re diagnosed with this disease.

You have to focus on finding the right facility that puts your memory care first. A proper in-patient memory care facility will allow your loved one to have enough independence in a nurturing environment, so they can easily maintain a strong sense of self.

You can ask your friends and family for help

Before rushing into the doctor’s office to see if you suffer from dementia, you might ask those who know you very well, meaning your family and friends. Whether it’s a friend, a colleague, or even a spouse, you might get a more valid answer than your doctor, at least firsthand.

They are able to tell you if your behavior is out of the norm, which is oftentimes one of the many signals of dementia. Also, you need to trust that they will tell you the truth. After all, if you can’t trust what they say, who can you trust, really?

There’s still a lot to unpack when it comes to dementia

As you well know, our brains aren’t uncharted territories, and we still have many things to learn about them. That goes even more when it comes to learning about some of the most important diseases of the brain, like dementia.

Investment in dementia research is pretty low, especially compared to research investments in other important diseases. If you really want to get involved, you might want to start volunteering and donating to dementia-related efforts. This way, you will get closer to finding the right cure.


Dementia is a very serious disease that we still don’t know a lot about, but we can still spot some signs and symptoms much faster than ever. Because of these little-known facts about dementia, you can explain to other people about the challenges of dementia.

This way, you could help them reach a diagnosis. If you suspect that you or your loved one have dementia, the best thing you can do is call the doctor. The next thing would be to make sure you get all the needed care in the world.

If you are interested in finding out more information about the human body, here’s what we recommend: The Handmaid’s Tale Parallels With the Real World: 6 Scary Similarities

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