6 Incredible TV Shows and Sci-Fi Movies That Predicted the World’s Future

Mind-Bending Facts presents you: TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future!

Whoever said that you can’t learn about what the future is going to bring us from movies and TV shows surely didn’t know about these masterpieces. That’s right, because there are quite a couple of TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future, and let me tell you that some of the things we’re going to talk about in today’s article seem pretty legit.

One of the main reasons why people enjoy watching these sorts of films and shows is that they don’t have to suspend their incredulity so much. Mainly constructed with the help of incredible technological pieces and the talent of directors and actors, the sci-fi genre is the king when it comes to telling unique and out-of-this-world stories while still managing to seem a bit real.

For example, these TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future allowed people to see what humanity or our beautiful planet would look like when placed in a different era or universe, in the past, or sometimes in an unimaginable future.

While it’s true that many writers tried to predict the world’s future with their remarkable stories, not all of them succeeded. If you want to read something spooky, funny, and impressive, this article is for you, because we’re going to talk about all those fantastic TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future! Put your seatbelt on, because we’re going places!

tv shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world's future
Photo by Gustavo Frazao from shutterstock.com

1. The Island (2005)

Buckle up! We start this list on a strong note with something I’m sure you’re familiar with! One of the TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future is “The Island”, which was released in 2005, and it blows my mind when I think about it now, after all the things we’ve been through.

The story involves a society that’s isolated from the rest of the planet because of a global virus. We’re all familiar with that, right? Aka COVID-19, anyone? In the movie, those people were controlled and monitored 24/7, and the only hope they had was to be chosen by lottery to travel to an uncontaminated and safe dreamworld called The Island.

While the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t come with such a fantastic paradise, the government in some countries around the world tried to come up with a way to convince people to get vaccinated, so they developed a lottery game called the vaccination lottery.

When they watched this fantastic movie, which you should definitely do too (it’s available here), because it’s a must, people said that it’s impossible for the world to face a pandemic due to the fact that we live in such modern times. But hey, they were surely disappointed when they saw what happened in 2019.

2. Her (2013)

If you’re looking for something romantic to watch, I have the perfect suggestion for you, and it’s also one of the TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future. Pretty good, right? The fantastic movie I’m talking about is called “Her”, It was released in 2013, and the story is going to blow your mind.

The story allows you into the world of Theodore Twombly, a heartbroken and devastated writer who falls in love with Samantha, an advanced and modern AI operating system.

This brilliant movie was directed by the talented Spike Jonze, and it will impress you with the modern and diverse subjects it tackles, such as grief, love, and the way human relationships function in the era of digitalization.

“Her” is a movie for people who want to learn more about the effects of technology in their lives, and we can definitely say that it’s part of the TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future. Just think about what happened with Chat GPT and Lensa AI: technology is everywhere, it’s part of our lives, and we can’t deny it.

Speaking of life, people, and technology, the main message this masterpiece was trying to send was that people start to feel more and more lonely and unhappy. Its accurate predictions involve the fact that depression is very present in modern times, and AI technology and the way people engage with it are the new way of life.

3. Black Mirror (2011-2023)

We’re not done talking about technology because this is the main subject of the majority of these TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future. If you’re a fan of TV shows, you’ve surely heard about or probably watched “Black Mirror”.

The show was created by Charlie Brooker, and it aired for a good period of time, from 2011 to 2023, and it was very appreciated by the audience. Each episode of “Black Mirror” had its own storyline with plenty of sets and actors, but the main theme was the impact technology has on people’s lives.

The series is part of the TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future and is very popular for its intriguing and sometimes dark take on the subjects it tackled.

If you decide to watch this show, you’ll notice that there are many episodes that are incredibly accurate, with some of its predictions actually existing in real life, such as a social credit rating system, robotic bees and dogs, and even contact lenses that have cameras. It’s only a matter of time until we see more of these things in real life, don’t you think?

4. 2012 (2009)

Another one of the TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future is “2012”, a film that was actually released in 2009. The storyline is not further from the things the world has to face since global warming put her claws on it, so we can say it’s pretty accurate.

When the planet’s core begins to heat up more and more and its crust is no longer stable and secure, the world’s leaders decide to make an emergency move and start getting ready for the end in just a couple of years. As the year 2012 comes, people are victims of devastating disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, and massive volcanic activity that threaten to kill the population.

A writer and his beloved family are right in the middle of this crisis situation and they try everything they can to survive day by day. Of course, our beautiful world didn’t end in 2012 and apocalyptic movies aren’t exactly new, but we can’t argue with the fact that it was part of the TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future.

Just think about the COVID-19 pandemic, the tsunamis, the fires, and the massive earthquakes, that the world had to face in the last few years. Things aren’t perfect and we can’t deny that.

TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world's future
Photo by Anton Gvozdikov from shutterstock.com

5. Westworld (1973)

Are you ready for another masterpiece that’s part of the list of TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future? Then let’s talk about a fantastic film that was released in 1973 and is called “Westworld”.

If you watch the movie, you’ll notice that the storyline involves androids that are almost identical to humans, and the staff of an adult amusement park decided to use robots as hosts.

There are three impressive parks where guests can go on an exquisite vacation: Westworld, Romanworld, or Medievalworld. All three of these destinations are perfectly created for visitors to have fun and take part in a fantastic historical experience. Things seem fun and safe until those robot hosts start to behave independently and don’t follow any other orders.

While “Westworld” isn’t as accurate as the other TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future, it’s still not further from the truth.

The technology there is pretty sophisticated, and the plot is fabulous. In our world, more and more scientists have started to develop robots that could work as security guards and even police officers, but you can distinguish a robot from a human. However, in a couple of years, that will surely become almost impossible, just like in “Westworld.”

6. The Simpsons (1989-)

Of course, we couldn’t end this list of TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future without taking a moment to talk about “The Simpsons”. The show is popular for its fantastic predictions, but there are too many to include in this article, so we’ll only discuss two of them.

In season 6, episode 19, which is called “Lisa’s Wedding”, there were a lot of jokes involving technology. Fast forward a couple of years, and the things the characters talked about were actually palpable in real life.

In that episode, there was a botched wedding proposal from Hugh, Lisa’s boyfriend, and he talked into his watch. In 2013, people who thought that it was crazy to talk into your watch didn’t see it coming: the smartwatches that had voice recognition were out and possible for everyone to purchase.

Another thing that was presented in that episode and put the show on our list of TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future happened when the characters communicated with one another with the help of a screen, not a phone. Was this the beginning of conversations via video chat? Probably yes.

Do you know any other TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future? Leave them in the comments down below, and let’s chat! If you want to discover more mind-bending facts about “The Simpsons”, which is 100% part of our list of TV shows and sci-fi movies that predicted the world’s future, click here: 8 Amazing Things The Simpsons Warned Us About (and They Were Right)!

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