Unhealthy Fruits: 9 Ones Not Even Your Doctor Would Eat

How many of these unhealthy fruits do you eat?

Whether you want to monitor your blood sugar levels, lose weight, or simply look out for your health, there are some foods you should limit or avoid altogether. While many people decide to eat more fruits to boost their health, dietitians point out that this isn’t always a great idea. In fact, some fruits may end up sabotaging your wellness goals.

Fruits are an essential part of many people’s diets. Although they aren’t vital for a healthy diet, some fruits contain important nutrients and polyphenols (antioxidants), both of which are vital for the human body to function properly. They are also rich in fiber, so there’s no way fruits can be unhealthy, right?

Well, certain fruits have more in common with the sugar found in candy than they do with healthy plant foods. Therefore, they obviously contain more calories. Not to mention that some can even cause side effects for people with health conditions such as acid reflux and diabetes.

Here are 10 unhealthy fruits you may want to limit!

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1. Dates

Dates are popular for their sweet, almost caramel-like flavor. The dried ones are often used as a natural sweetener in recipes or enjoyed on their own as a handy snack. Although they are packed with plenty of nutrients such as magnesium, copper, potassium, and antioxidants, they are also high in carbs and sugar.

One cup of dried dates, which would be about 160 grams, contains 451 calories and 101 grams of sugar. That’s quite a lot. According to dietitians, dried dates can easily turn into one of the most unhealthy fruits if they are consumed in large quantities.

People with diabetes should be especially mindful when it comes to these fruits, as they can raise their blood sugar excessively.

2. Dried fruits

Another category of unhealthy fruits are dried ones. Some of the most common types of dried fruit are raisins, cranberries, pineapples, figs, apricots, apples, and mangoes. Compared with their fresh counterparts, they usually contain more sugar, carbs, and calories per serving. Most varieties are also packed with vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.

When you have a handful of dried fruits, you’re actually consuming more calories than you would if you had the same quantity of fresh fruit. In fact, experts explain that most people aren’t aware of how high in calories dried fruits are, so they eat them as they would fresh fruits. Therefore, the biggest concern with these unhealthy fruits is the portion size, not the amount of sugar.

Due to the higher concentration of sugar, it’s recommended to enjoy dried fruits in moderation, especially if you want to cut down on sugar.

3. Lychee

Lychees are another fruit dietitians recommend eating in moderation. A cup of lychees is a great source of vitamin C, potassium, copper, and vitamin B2. Ten fresh lychees contain about 70 mg of vitamin C, which is the same amount you’d get from a medium orange!

These sound great, but unfortunately, lychees can contain an awful lot of sugar, so you may want to avoid these unhealthy fruits if you’re on a low-sugar or low-carb diet. According to the US Department of Agriculture, one cup of fresh lychees would have about 29 grams of sugar. That’s more than double the amount of sugar a medium banana contains, which is 12 g.

unhealthy fruits
Photo by nadisja from Shutterstock

4. Dried coconut

Shredded coconut is a common ingredient in smoothie bowls, baked goods, and breakfast dishes. Although it’s packed with nutrients like selenium, copper, and manganese, it’s also high in calories and fat.

These are high in medium-chain triglycerides (also known as MCTs), a kind of fat that’s very quickly absorbed by your body. MCTs have been linked with several health benefits, including improved heart health and body composition.

This sounds great, but you may want to eat these unhealthy fruits in moderation if you want to lose weight. One cup of dried, unsweetened coconut contains 560 calories and 56 grams of fat. That’s a lot!

You’re about to learn which unhealthy fruits can be bad for your digestive system, so make sure you keep reading!

5. Oranges

Oranges are famously known as one of the best sources of vitamin C, and deservedly so, as a medium orange (about 5.5 ounces) provides nearly 100% of the daily value, per the US Department of Agriculture.

Vitamin C isn’t just a vitamin but also a powerful antioxidant that science has named one of the best immune defenders on multiple fronts. It protects against bacteria and viruses by strengthening the skin’s natural barriers and protecting the body from inflammation and oxidative stress, which can wreak havoc on your health.

So why would experts include oranges among those unhealthy fruits you should consume in moderation? Well, while citrus fruits may provide many health benefits, they are also very acidic and may thus worsen heartburn for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

6. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is another type of citrus fruit, but unlike orange, is known for its tart and slightly bitter flavor. Similar to its cousin, the orange, a medium grapefruit offers you 100% of your daily requirement for vitamin C.

Compared to the other unhealthy fruits on this list, grapefruit is quite low in calories. Still, it’s rich in minerals and vitamins such as vitamins C and A, thiamine, and potassium. However, this fruit, as well as the juice made from it, is known to trigger GERD symptoms in those suffering from this digestive condition.

So, if you have chronic acid reflux, grapefruits may worsen your condition rather than provide health benefits. These aren’t unhealthy fruits, but for you, they may be.

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7. Tomatoes

You may wonder why we talk about tomatoes in an article that’s about fruits. Well, from a botanical point of view, tomatoes are fruits because they contain seeds and grow from the flower of the tomato plant. That would be the first surprise for those who didn’t know that tomatoes are technically classified as fruits.

The second surprise (or maybe not) would be that they can trigger certain symptoms in those struggling with GERD. As with citrus fruits, the acidity of these unhealthy fruits may lead to heartburn, bloating, acid reflux, and even vomiting. Remember, that’s only the case for people with chronic acid reflux.

8. Prunes

Prunes are plums that have gone through a dehydration process for preservation purposes. Also known as dried plums, prunes are deep red-brown with a savory-sweet flavor and a chewy texture. Unlike fresh plums, prunes can last for about six months if kept in a cool place like your pantry.

Because of their laxative effects and fiber content, they are sometimes consumed as a natural remedy for constipation. While prunes are still fruits, they are more in the category of unhealthy fruits. That’s because, like other types of dried fruit, they are relatively high in sugar, carbs, and calories. One cup of pitted prunes contains 418 calories, 111 grams of carbs, and 66 grams of sugar.

9. Candied fruit

Candied fruits are fruits that were soaked and heated in sugar syrup, so they lost their natural moisture. This process dries them up, substituting the water found in fruits with sugar. The result is a product with a very sweet flavor and a much longer shelf life.

As you may guess, this sweet treat contains much more sugar than fresh fruit. Not only is candied fruit low in fiber and high in calories, but it also has a lot of carbs and sugar in each serving. In fact, these can be easily called unhealthy fruits, especially for those with diabetes.

A 3.5-ounce serving of candied fruit offers 322 calories, 83 grams of carbs, and 81 grams of sugar.

You may also want to read Worst McDonald’s Side Effects: 5 Ways This Fast Food Ruins Your Health.

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