15 Crazy Facts About Women We Bet You Didn’t Know

facts about women
Photo by Vikafoto33 from shutterstock.com

8. Better multitaskers

Do you know why women do a great job at balancing their careers and household activities, being good partners, and wonderfully taking care of the kids at the same time? Because they’re better multitaskers than men. Oh, yes, that’s expert-approved, so don’t deny it!

9. They spend too much time dieting

Not all of these facts about women are funny; some of them are quite sad, such as this one. Ladies tend to diet and put a lot of pressure on themselves to look good, be healthy, thin, and c**vy at the same time, and they try to achieve this by dieting.

The bad thing about this is that, according to a study in the United Kingdom, women spend approximately 18 years of their lives dieting. That’s quite dramatic; what do you think about it?

Which one of these mind-bending facts about women do you think is the most interesting?

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